Friday 20 February 2015

Would you like free advertising for your political party or #GE2015 Campaign?

Currently we are looking for political parties which are away from the norm, or independents who are looking to put a bit of fun back into the General Election.

We will provide you a platform of a page on our blog which reaches out to over 3,000 people a day currently which is growing exponentially as we get nearer the General Election and our 7,500 followers on Twitter. @UKELECTIONS2015


Then leave a comment and a link back to your website. All we ask in return is a link back to our main blog.

Sort of thing we have focused on in the past.

Beer, Baccy & Crumpet Party 
A History of how Elvis beat the Libdems 
Lee Nelson - Shortest Political Career? 

if it is easier for you then mail


  1. Independent Candidates or do not follw any so called party guideline in UK 2015 General Election, please watch "1st Global Political Party" on youtube to make the world a better place.

  2. Hi I am an indepentant candidate for West Oxfordshire, and I am interested in this offer, do have an adress to post details to instead of e-mail?


Comment is open to all feel free to link to this blog.