A voteless recovery for David Cameron?
economy has recovered and is steadily growing, that much is now clear. It has
long been assumed that this will help the Conservative Party’s electoral
fortunes. The logic goes that having steered the country through difficult
economic times a grateful public will come out in their droves to thank them
for it. However, politics is never that simple and the public are rarely that
willing to give credit to politicians. While it may seem perverse to suggest economic
growth is harming the Tories’ electoral chances, continuing good news about the
economy is making it less of an electoral issue.
year voters will be asking: “what next?”
Cameron and the Conservatives are experiencing a voteless recovery. Yes the
economy is getting better, but their position in the polls is not – or at least
not dramatically. Labour continue to hold a lead over the Conservatives, as
they have done in every single ComRes poll since February 2012. It is true that
things have slightly narrowed since the heady days of the “omnishambles” but
not yet enough.
if the economy is getting better, why are voters not rewarding the
Conservatives? Indeed, just one in three Britons believe that the economy is
improving “thanks in part to this government’s policies.”
truth is, and the reason why being an MP is a thankless task, that politicians
– of any creed – get very little credit for success. Voters tend to move on to
the next problem. Therefore, it seems increasingly likely that despite all
predictions that the 2015 General Election will be won and lost on the economy,
the debate may have moved on by then.
we are already seeing the economy fall away as an important issue to voters:
our polling in the 40 most marginal constituencies found “protecting the
economic recovery” to be behind the NHS, immigration and keeping down the cost
of everyday items as the most important issues that will shape voters decision
next year. The dampened potency of the Conservatives’ messages as the only
Party that can be trusted on economic growth poses a major tactical challenge.
Tories have shaped the focus of this Parliament on the message of
economic growth, it was the ace in their deck and what they had pinned
their hopes on as the best way of securing a victory in 2015. Few would
have argued with it as an electoral strategy either. But it now seems
that was too simplistic a reading of the situation. Perhaps growth has
simply come far too late to be useful. As the economy, and in particular
economic growth, slips down the agenda voters are looking to the next
big thing they want fixing, be it immigration, public services, the NHS
or personal finances.
the real reason why the recovery is not yet being celebrated is because
so few people actually feel it in their pockets, meaning that Labour’s
adoption of the “cost of living crisis” could yet prove an
electoral masterstroke in the end. Seven in ten British adults say that
despite the economy growing, they don’t feel any better off. The need
for economic credibility – something Eds Miliband and Balls are lacking –
is becoming less of an issue. Labour’s landslide in 1997 came despite
the fact they lagged behind John Major’s Conservatives as the Party most
trusted on the economy because the economy was not the most important
issue. 2015 could be a similar case, with David Cameron’s Conservatives
succumbing to defeat despite being seen as more competent drivers of the
economic ship than their opponents. How people feel about their own
situation will be a bigger factor in where people are putting their
crosses on the ballot paper.
Conservatives will be keen to emphasise their success, but if that
success is only at a macro level and voters answer Ronald Reagan’s “are
you better off now than you were four years ago?” in the negative, then
Labour’s message will be more relevant. Messrs Cameron, Osborne et al
will have to convince voters not only that the economy is improving
because of them, but that this will translate into improving personal
is worth remembering that while “it’s the economy, stupid” is the oft
repeated mantra from Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign, that board in Clinton
HQ held two other phrases: “Don’t forget healthcare” and “Change vs
more of the same”. The latter is less relevant now, the former is
becoming ever more so. But what smart strategists take away is that the
winning Party will need to present a wider programme for victory.
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