Friday 22 August 2014

The ayes have it, the ayes have it. Scottish Independence report

Now I have had a little time away from the blog, needed to recharge the batteries and also recover from life and what it throws at you. My wife and I had a minor car accident at the beginning of July and that brought forward the necessity to buy a a new car. Oh what a shambles that was. I do wonder how this country manages to sell anything. Anyways, we had a trip to the Shetland isles. My wife doesn't like to fly so it was a ferry from Aberdeen.

It meant we drove from the North East of England and we travelled along the east side of Scotland so this is by no means a scientific calculation. Just from what I saw as the passenger and whilst on our travels.

It seemed the farmers in general were No voters and had the biggest banners to prove it, whilst there was the fair share of Yes banners, But the Yes banners were prolific on private properties and in the backs of car windows and office/property windows. We virtually saw no, NO THANKS stickers/posters but everywhere which had a display was in support.

So in my own unscientific response I would say that all though the polls are saying NO the general public by show of visual support it seems to be a resounding YES to independence. Less than a month until my own little synopsis is found to be right or wrong.


  1. There appears to be a lot of support in Aberdeen if you can call going wild with stickers around the city centre and tourist attractions as support. Many people don't risk displaying the 'No Thanks' stickers after hearing numerous people having their property damaged. When I drove up Aberdeenshire I saw a lot more Yes banners, though that was after many farmers had their No Thanks banners knocked over or vandalised. As for more No support in the country side, for them all you risk is a piece of plastic being snapped in two, where as if you're in the city you could see your house or car window smashed in by a bunch of rabid yobs. Its a sad state of affairs in Scotland at the moment.

  2. I don't suppose DVN78 has heard of the damage down to cars and properties bearing Yes stickers. I don't suppose she has heard of the Yes campaigning pensioner getting his arm broken by Britnat thugs. I don't suppose she has heard about the excrement put through the letterboxes and smeared on the doorsteps of houses with a Yes poster in the window. I wonder if she has heard of much, really.


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