Fieldwork: Thursday April 2nd and Tuesday April 7th in consideration of Pesach.
The Jewish Chronicle's take on the results can be found here:
- The Conservative Party have a clear lead on voting intention among the UK's Jewish population, with current headline voting intention as follows:

Voting Intention
Conservative - 69%
Labour - 22%
Liberal Democrat - 2%
UKIP - 2%
Other - 5%
Which party leader do you think would have the best attitude as Prime Minister to the Jewish community in the UK?
David Cameron - 64%
Ed Miliband - 13%
Neither - 8%
Don't know - 15%
Which party leader do you think would have the best approach as Prime Minister to Israel and the Middle East?
David Cameron - 65%
Ed Miliband - 10%
Neither - 8%
Don't know - 18%
Which party generally do you think has the best policies for Israel & the Middle East?
Labour - 8%
Conservative - 61%
Liberal Democrat - 1%
UKIP - 1%
Another Party - 2%
Don't know - 28%
How important or unimportant are parties' attitudes towards Israel in influencing how you will vote in the general election?
Very important - 45%
Quite important - 27%
Not very important - 15%
Not at all important - 8%
Don't know - 4%
"Notwithstanding that UK Jewish residents are on average, older and more affluent than the UK's general population - key factors correlated with Conservative voting - these results still show a striking lead for the Conservatives amongst Jewish voters.
While national polls put Labour and the Conservatives neck and neck, these results indicate with authority that Jews in Britain are distinct among religious or ethnic groups in supporting the Conservatives by such a margin.
That three quarters of those polled consider politicians' attitudes towards Israel important in influencing how they plan to vote perhaps is key. The results show Cameron and the Conservatives enjoy commanding leads over Ed Miliband and the Labour Party on this question."
Furthermore, Cameron has a large lead on "best attitude as Prime Minister to the Jewish community in the UK" - differing perceptions of the leaders and their parties on this front therefore are likely a significant part of this story."
Full tables are available here.
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