Wednesday 21 January 2015

Facebook interaction between the people and the Party

Now we do a regular feature of a political pop chart which you can find here >>> Political Pop Chart
and a monthly chart of how many people follow and like political partys on Facebook and Twitter which you can find Januarys here >>> Cyber Warriors list

Now it has been pointed out that anyone can like a party, and not actually be anything other than a lurker. Then there is the controversy around do Partys pay for likes and followers.

So below is a list of people who actually interact with what the party puts on the Facebook page.

PARTY FACEBOOK PAGECURRENT LIKES People who interact with account% of likes who are talking about the party
UKIP 312k33,37210.69%
THE GREEN PARTY140k96,51868.94%
LIB DEMS 109k5,5525.09%
THE REALITY PARTY22,4276,91830.84%
NHA PARTY15,11515,531102.75%
PLAID CYMRU 11,9115274.42%
PIRATE PARTY UK 9,7321541.58%
MEBYON KERNOW 1,48823916.06%

People who are talking about the party

Greens 96,518
Labour 35,490
UKIP 33,372
SNP 32,510
Conservatives 17,826
NHA Party 15,531
The Reality Party 6,918
LibDems 5,552

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