I have been a listener to Radio5 since it used to not be just 24 hours news and sport, but when it had the green hornet re runs. Now the person who would always pop up was Graham Sharpe when ever they wanted a view on the betting world, So it was only natural that when I have been putting forward opinions on this blog about the betting world on politics that they have been in part sourced from Graham.
So last week before I had the blog holiday I asked if I could organise a charity bet. The bet being, that there would be 2 General Elections this year. I didn't want one party or another saying I back them, and to be honest it would be perfect for me if there were 2 General Elections this year, means I get to stay on this blog a bit longer and my twitter account wouldn't need changing for a while either. @UKELECTIONS2015 (didn't forward plan with that one did I?) Also I am always a like the name grand national better or is there a link, and the last time we had 2 General Elections in the same year was 1974, the year I was born. So meant to be in my betting books.
Our nominated charity is Great North Air Ambulance <<< link takes you to Charity website and feel free to make a donation if you wish.
A work colleague of mine was in a accident and had to call upon their services. Now he goes bungee jumping to raise money for them, I am much less brave and so this charity bet is as courageous as I get.
So Thanks again to William Hills and
crossed fingers that it comes off, and welcome to our resident bookie.
Link to the Latest betting odds courtesy of William Hills
Confirmation of bet below
That there will be 2 UK General Elections in 2015
response from Graham Sharpe
a £100 free bet at 5/1 (slightly enhanced from our current 9/2) be acceptable? Plus I'll donate the stake to the charity if it doesn't happen.
We Grahams are an endangered species and need to stick together...gs

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