Wednesday 29 April 2015



  1. I understand the SNP voters who want to give Cameron and Co. a good kicking, as do the majority of the English and Welsh. However, the SNP would be ill advised to try to ride rough-shod over English and Welsh voters, to improve the lot of those north of the border.
    The back-lash might be far more than they bagained for and they may even find that the extra £1500 extra per head, currently enjoyed by Scots to the detriment of the English and Welsh, might eventually be withdrawn.

    1. You really shouldn't believe everything the papers/television tell you. SNP don't eat babies. If polls hold up this will be an opportunity for London to prove we really are a "family of nations" and "better together". After all, that was the whole foundation of the NO campaign last year. All it takes is a sensible alternative to austerity and scrapping trident. That would be in all our interests.

    2. If the extra £1500 per head spend to Scots is to be stopped, will the extra £1700 per head in tax input from Scots be halted too?

    3. Actually the GDP income per head from Scotland is slightly less than from England at £20571 to £20873 unless you count the oil and gas revenues, which of course belong to the whole of the UK.

    4. GDP is not income. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    5. "The GDP per capita PPP is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic product, adjusted by purchasing power parity, by the total population."
      The actual figures do correlate with average earnings per week in Scotland at £498 and in England at £506 per week
      or £15,342 pa against £15727 pa
      If you are paying an extra £1700 pa in tax per person there must be an incredible amount of extra unearned income per person in Scotland or you need better accountants
      No bubble bursting here or nits to be picked.

  2. Consider the case of the hospital doors. Two hospitals, one in Central London and one in rural Scotland, both need a new front door. Identical doors. The doors cost £100.
    The hospital in London sees 1000 people per year go through the door, whilst the one in rural Scotland sees only 100.
    The "cost per head" of the door in London is £0.10 whilst the "cost per head" of the door in rural Scotland is £1.00.
    Therefore, some people's logic goes, there is far more money spent per head on hospital doors in Scotland than in Central London.
    But, both hospitals needed the new door.

    1. Under these circumstances, have you considered that the doors in London would have to be replaced 10 times more frequently using your figures.
      Nice try but your logic needs to be extended a little further.

  3. The oil and gas revenues belongs only to the UK while it is 'united' as with whisky, salmon and any other Scottish products sales that finds its way into the Treasury. No one has suggested that the SNP MP's will ride rough shod as you put it. However, if Westminster wants to play rough and ignore all post Independence agreements and change rules of engagement in order to vilify the Scottish people then it will be the very same who will rise up and demand its independence once again. Except that this time it will win the vote.


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