What do the polls actually tell us in Scotland?
polls now causing the value of Sterling to tumble and panic mode setting in
across Westminster, now is surely the time for a cool assessment of what they
are actually saying. Are we witnessing an illusory Yes-mania or is this
something very real?
Let us start with a few things which definitely will not help you judge the state
of play:
1. TV
media love a tight battle. From now until the date of the referendum this will
be a “knife edge” contest with “everything still to play for”. Neutrality
requirements mean that any TV report will include a mix of Yes and No supporters,
and vox pop interviewees will play up to stereotypes.
2. Social
media networks dramatically over-represent young people. They are a haven for
activists, and a fertile environment for campaigns to generate the appearance
of support. It is straightforward to express approval for something on social
media – all you have to do is click “Like”. This does not always translate into
3. The
word on the street
canvassers often think their side is doing better than the polls suggest. Unfortunately
for them, most people tailor their responses to their audience. Diehard activists
are an extreme case, but how often have you nodded along to a taxi driver or a
hairdresser whose views you completely oppose?
4. Evidence
from previous elections
and referendums are a bit like the weather. We can make general rules about
seasons and climates that apply most of the time, but on a day-to-day basis we
run into difficulties. The more specific the
prediction, and the rarer the event, the harder it is to get it right.
Predicting turnout
rule of thumb that has held steady across virtually all elections in
the UK is the demographic profile of overall turnout: those who have voted
before are significantly more likely to vote again; turnout tends to be higher
among more affluent (ABC1) social classes; and the highest levels of turnout
are among the over 65s.
a record-breaking level of turnout in Scotland across all demographics is still
likely to follow that same shape. For example, if final turnout were 80%, we
would expect around 65-70% turnout among 16-24 year olds and around 90% turnout
among over 65s.
So what about the polls?
at least brings some science to the process. Pollsters ensure that their
questions are carefully worded, that they are asked dispassionately, and that a
large and statistically representative spread of people is questioned.
Empirical evidence from censuses and previous elections is used to apply
corrections to the data.
polling can still be susceptible to some of the same problems outlined above.
Achieving the right balance of responses
a TV journalist, pollsters need to obtain a balanced sample of viewpoints, but
judging what that balance looks like can be tricky. Most try to avoid skewing
towards a particular political outlook by weighting to “past vote” – in this
case the 2011 Scottish Parliament election; but turnout at that election was
only 50%, and it was an unusually good year for the SNP.
Moreover, voters cast
two votes in Scottish Parliament elections – one for a constituency representative and one for a party – making it doubly
difficult to accurately recall how they voted. These factors have the potential to skew the party political balance of a sample.
Exaggerating certainty
online pollsters can be affected by the same propensity to generate strong
opinions as a social media feed, but this is usually factored in to any proper
pollster’s methodology. This does not inherently bias the figures towards “Yes”
or “No”, but it can make panellists more likely to overestimate certainty to
vote. This may mean that lower turnout groups (like younger people and less affluent
C2DEs) are having a disproportionate influence on some pollsters' results.
'Shy' respondents
face-to-face pollsters are afflicted by the same “interviewer effect” as the
political canvasser. Despite asking their questions dispassionately, the
presence of the interviewer (and sometimes the presence of other people in the
background) can still make the question too awkward for the respondent to
answer. This may explain why many more “don’t know” responses occur in the
findings from face-to-face pollsters.
There is some evidence that women are
more likely than men to avoid answering a question in this way – not a problem
if gender has little bearing on attitudes, but a distorting factor if men and
women think differently about an issue.
Ignore the “don’t knows”
at your peril
of the recent headlines have been generated by reports which have excluded
“don’t know” respondents from the calculation. This gives a neat prediction of
the final split. But it can be a misrepresentation of the polls.
analogy: if we asked 1000 people whether they prefer Coca-Cola or Pepsi, and 400
preferred Coca-Cola, 350 preferred Pepsi, and 150 had no strong opinion or were
undecided, it would then be wilfully misleading to say that 53% of them prefer
Coke. This is effectively the analysis that many journalists (and some
pollsters) have been making.
The truth is that
while the two headline-grabbing, market-bashing polls of the week are each
showing the same trend (an upward tick in “Yes” support), they are otherwise
showing two very distinct pictures:
The question is whether TNS-BMRB’s “don’t knows” will split evenly into
“Yes” and “No”, or whether they are more likely to break towards one side. The
evidence from previous referendums worldwide is that most “Don’t know”
respondents will end up backing the “status quo” option on voting day. If that
is the case, then “Yes” should be very concerned about their 39% figure this
close to the vote.
will argue that there no longer is a status quo option on the ballot – that we
are now into Devo Max vs. Full Independence territory. But the former clearly
involves less change and less of the unknown, and we should still expect
cautious and undecided voters to lean this way on voting day.
Keep your eye on the
“don’t knows”.
Follow ComRes on Twitter for the latest polls and analysis:@ComResPolls
Author: Andy White, Senior Consultant
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