Thursday 25 September 2014

Gordon Brown was more popular than Ed Miliband  <<< Follow the link if you would like to join the YOUGOV panel and have your opinions heard.

Now there has been a constant theme of people saying they will vote Labour, but Ed Miliband not looking in anyway as popular with those same voters. Now the response from people is to say, "Well that shows that people are voting for the party and what they stand for, rather than superficial celebrity which leaders give."

But still Ed Miliband does seem to have bad figures. Now Gordon Brown was unpopular in the last throws of his tenure. But as the stats show from this poll he trances Ed Miliband currently with the public at the time and that of Labour voters

Below is the link to the opinion poll from 2010

4 out of 5 Labour voters (80%) wanted Gordon Brown to be PM. Where as only 61% of current Labour voters think Miliband is best for the job. Cameron the challenger at the time was actually 6% points ahead of Brown Where Miliband is 16% points behind Cameron when people are asked who would make the best PM?

Is it Miliband who will lose the General Election for Labour?

The above tweet shows the difference and below is the link todays stats

Yougov (Who you want as governing party vs Who you want as PM)

So does this prove Ed Miliband is less popular than Gordon Brown?

It seems also if you look down the figures,

People who voted Labour at the time were more supportive, now this may be, because it was so close to the General Election so by such time you are more focused. But Labour voters now are no where near as supportive as they were just before the 2010 election. Will this also be something they have to rally if they want to ensure victory?

Link below is to figures used for most recent views on NHS, ECONOMY etc used as recent polling numbers

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